Transport Plan

Developing Transport Strategy

As the country’s population rises and traffic volumes continue to increase, the Parish Council have taken the decision, in consultation with villagers, to explore options to improve traffic management in and through the village. This is a complex problem, particularly as many Government agencies are responsible for the road infrastructure, its administration and governance and therefore the PC has to work with a number of these agencies to identify potential traffic solutions and to acquire the appropriate funding to undertake any improvements.

Accordingly the PC have commissioned an independent survey to assess the options for improving the traffic management and flows through the village. This has been completed and the PC have narrowed down the summary report and findings to produce a focused number of specific traffic management options that would, collectively, improve traffic flows through the village.

The booklet explaining these options is being produced and will be available to view in this section of the web site when complete by the end of January 2015. In parallel, the PC is now exploring the funding options available to us to effect the most expedient solution and time line.

Further updates will be posted in the section as they become available. A working copy of a newsletter describing the background and preferred options can be viewed by clicking on the link.